What To Wear To a Networking Event 2024: A Guide To Making A Strong Impression

Hello, networking friends…an event like this really has a way of igniting enthusiasm, with countless ideas racing through your head in anticipation, and undeniably, one of those ideas is, “What should I wear?”

Don’t worry—I know the question and, luckily, the answer. I know how uncomfortable it can be to wear the wrong thing. That’s why I asked friends who have more style than me and also leafed through fashion magazines. Here are my learnings. Enjoy.

Networking Essentials

Deciding what to wear to a networking event can be quite challenging, as there are various types and dress codes to consider. In this section, we’ll touch upon some essentials that will help you decide what to wear at your next networking event.

Identify the Event Type

  • Determine if it’s business professional, business casual, or casual.
  • Check the event details or industry norms for dress code clues.

Business Professional Events

  • Men: Suit, tie, button-down shirt, and dress shoes.
  • Women: Pantsuit, skirt suit, or dress with a blazer.
  • Opt for dark colors and minimal accessories.
  • Common for conferences, formal networking events, and business dinners.

Business Casual Events

  • Men: Slacks or chinos, button-down shirt, blazer, and dress shoes.
  • Women: Conservative dress, blouse with skirt or slacks, or blazer with pants/skirt.
  • Add color or patterns for a personal touch.
  • Suitable for industry meetups, workshops, and similar events.

Casual Dress Code Events

  • Men: Jeans or chinos, dress shirt or polo, and casual shoes.
  • Women: Jeans, dresses, skirts, relaxed blouse or top, and comfortable shoes.
  • More room for personal expression.
  • Common for networking happy hours, casual meetups, etc.

First Impressions Matter

  • Dress appropriately to convey confidence and preparedness.
  • Follow these guidelines to make a lasting impression at networking events.

Networking Event Styles for Women

Stylish networking outfit tips for women:

Blouse & Blazer Combo

  • Choose a clean, wrinkle-free blouse.
  • Avoid low-cut or sheer tops.
  • Add sophistication with a stylish blazer.
  • Create a standout look with contrasting colors.

Professional Pants Options

  • Opt for trousers or tailored pants.
  • Dark jeans can work with a smart top.
  • Keep it simple and polished.

Skirts & Dresses

  • Ensure they are clean, pressed, and have an appropriate length.
  • Knee-length or just below the knee is ideal.
  • Maintain professionalism, avoiding plunging necklines or overly tight fits.

Dresses for Personal Style

  • Showcase your style while staying professional.
  • Pay attention to length and fit.
  • Sheath dresses with heels and statement jewelry create a polished look.

Details Matter

  • Wear an appropriately sized bra for support.
  • Keep accessories minimal but eye-catching.
  • Make a great impression on potential connections with a confident yet neutral appearance.

By following these tips, you’ll feel comfortable and leave a memorable impression at networking events. Rock that blouse, skirt, or dress, and seize every opportunity.

Networking Event Styles for Men

Style Suggestions for Men at Networking Events:

Classic Business Casual

  • Dark trousers with a white button-down shirt.
  • Versatile and suitable for most occasions.
  • Add a pop of color for a unique touch.

Elevate with a Sports Jacket

  • Incorporate a sports jacket for added formality.
  • Experiment with vibrant colors or patterns.
  • Stand out while maintaining professionalism.

Stylish Relaxation with Jeans

  • Swap dark trousers for well-fitted jeans.
  • Pair with a sports jacket or blazer.
  • Opt for darker wash jeans without distressing for a professional look.

Attention to Accessories

  • Complement your outfit with sleek dress shoes or quality loafers.
  • Consider a leather bag or portfolio for a polished appearance.
  • Confidence is key—your attitude matters as much as your attire.

Strike a balance between professionalism and approachability for a great first impression at networking events.

Understanding the Dress Code

Formal Networking Events

At formal networking events, maintaining a professional appearance is essential. A tailored suit or dress with closed-toe shoes is a safe bet for these types of events. Be sure to choose high-quality fabrics, such as wool or silk blends, to give your outfit a polished look. Accessories like a stylish clutch or wristwatch can also enhance your overall appearance. Keep your outfit conservative but feel free to express your personality through minimal accessories.

Casual Networking Events

For casual networking events, business casual attire is generally appropriate. This can include slacks or a skirt with a blouse, and maybe a blazer to keep it professional. Opting for a pair of dressy shoes, like loafers or low heels, will elevate your outfit without compromising comfort. Incorporating prints and plaids is a great way to add a little definition to your look without going overboard. Feel free to experiment with patterns, but avoid anything too flashy or distracting.

Remember, when dressing for networking events, you must convey professionalism and your unique style. By understanding the dress code and dressing appropriately, you’ll make great first impressions and feel confident as you connect with others.

Avoiding Fashion Faux Pas

Avoiding Common Dressing Mistakes

To ensure you look polished and professional, always avoid pattern clashing and stick to a general rule of wearing two solids and one patterned item. For example, pair a solid shirt and suit with a patterned tie. Stick to coordinating colors and avoid any items that may be too flashy or glittery, as they can be distracting and may come across as unprofessional.

Additionally, it’s essential to keep your shoes appropriate for the event – ditch the casual sneakers and opt for a nice pair of leather dress shoes instead.

Avoiding Overdressing

While it’s always better to err on the side of caution and dress more formally, avoid overdressing to the point of appearing unapproachable or overly formal. One way to achieve a more casual yet professional look is to opt for a blazer with patch pockets and forgo a tie. This will give you a more relaxed look without sacrificing polish. Accessorize with a lapel pin or pocket square for added flair and a conversation starter.

Avoiding Underdressing

On the flip side, underdressing can make you seem unprepared or unprofessional. To avoid this, always choose outfits that lean towards formality, such as tailored shirts, trousers, and dresses. Depending on the event, a full suit or cocktail dress may be appropriate, but ensure you research the dress code beforehand to make the best choice. Remember, it’s crucial to strike a balance between approachable and professional while maintaining your personal style.

On The Day Tips

Attending a networking event can be exciting and nerve-wracking, especially when deciding what to wear to a networking event. To help you prepare and make a great impression, we’ve compiled some essential on-the-day tips to guide you.

Last Minute Checks

Before leaving for the event, take a moment to ensure that your outfit looks polished and professional. Check for any wrinkles, lint, or stray hairs that may have made their way onto your clothes. Straighten your collar, cuffs, and ensure that your shoes are clean and polished. Make sure your accessories are in place and not overpowering your overall look.

It’s also essential to do a quick personal grooming check. Ensure your hair is neat, nails are clean, and makeup is appropriate for the event. Lastly, don’t forget about your breath—use a breath mint or mouthwash for a quick burst of freshness.

Networking Event Checklist

Apart from looking your best, being prepared with the right items can make your networking experience run smoothly. Here’s a quick checklist of essentials to bring with you:

  • Business cards: Ensure you have enough to hand out during the event.
  • Pen and small notebook: Jot down important information or reminders about the people you meet.
  • Phone or device charger: Ensure your devices are charged and ready for note-taking or exchanging contact information.
  • LinkedIn app: Have the app handy for easy connection with new contacts.
  • Elevator pitch: Prepare and practice a concise introduction of yourself and your professional goals.
  • Confidence and a smile: A positive attitude and a friendly demeanor will make you approachable and memorable.

These tips and items will help you make the most of your networking event experience. So, go ahead and dive into the world of networking with confidence and the knowledge that you’re dressed for success.

Comfort vs. Style

Finding the Balance

While it’s essential to create a professional impression at networking events, comfort should not be compromised. When choosing an outfit, consider factors such as the event’s dress code and duration. For instance, if it’s a business casual event, you can opt for slacks or a skirt with a blouse and maybe a blazer.

To maintain comfort, it’s wise to invest in quality pieces that are stylish and easy to move in. That could mean choosing well-tailored clothes, breathable fabrics, or simply outfits that don’t restrict mobility.

Importance of Comfort

Comfortable clothing allows for ease of movement and helps boost your confidence during networking events. As many conferences require a good amount of walking, consider wearing flats or even keeping a pair in your handbag for extended periods of walking.

Being comfortable in your outfit also ensures you can focus on what truly matters at these events: making meaningful connections and building professional relationships.

Suppose you’re not preoccupied with adjusting your clothes or dealing with blisters from ill-fitted shoes. In that case, you’ll be able to engage in conversations more naturally and leave a lasting impression on your fellow attendees.

Utilize these tips when planning what to wear to your next networking event. By finding the right balance between comfort and style, you’ll be able to make a great impression while feeling at ease during those valuable professional interactions.

Making a Statement with Color

When figuring out what to wear to a networking event, choosing the right colors can make a strong and lasting impression. In this section, we’ll explore the impact of color psychology in networking and provide guidance on selecting the perfect hues to make a memorable statement.

Color Psychology in Networking

Colors can evoke a range of emotions and perceptions, so it’s essential to understand the underlying messages behind the shades you choose for networking events. For instance, selecting warm colors like red, orange, or yellow can convey an energetic and enthusiastic attitude, while cool colors like blue, green, or purple suggest a sense of calm and professionalism.

When choosing what to wear to a networking event, consider how the colors of your outfit might reflect your personal brand and the image you hope to project. A classic option like a neutral-colored business suit (such as black, grey, brown, or white) is always a safe bet, as it communicates a polished, professional demeanor.

Choosing the Right Colors

To make the best color choices for your networking event attire, consider the event’s dress code, as well as your personal style and brand. If the event calls for business casual, for example, you might opt for a navy cotton pant or chino, paired with a crisp white shirt and a pop of color in your accessories.

Here are some tips to help you find the right balance with color:

  • Stick to no more than three colors in your outfit
  • Choose one bold color for an accent (tie, scarf, jewelry) to stand out
  • Experiment with subtle patterns
  • Coordinate your color choices with your makeup or grooming (lipstick, nail polish, or hair accessories)

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between making a statement and maintaining a professional appearance, so don’t be afraid to let your true colors shine while adhering to event guidelines and remaining polished and presentable.

Local Cultural Norms and Expectations

Creating a Lasting Impression

Making a great first impression is crucial at networking events, setting the tone for your interactions with potential contacts or partners. To create a lasting impression, it’s important to dress in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for the local culture. Dress appropriately and ensure your outfit meets the event’s expected dress code or theme.

Remember that even when an event is more casual, it’s still essential to maintain a professional appearance. In general, business casual attire is a good choice, as it strikes a balance between formal and casual.

Reflecting Your Personality

In addition to respecting local cultural norms, your outfit should also reflect your personality and style to feel comfortable and confident at the event.

To achieve this, consider incorporating personal touches into your outfit. This can include accessories such as scarves, belts, or jewelry that showcase your personal tastes. Choose closed-toed shoes like loafers, oxfords, pumps, or flats, and opt for solid colors and darker shades (such as grey, navy, or black) for a more professional look.

In conclusion, dressed well, you’ll be ready to make lasting connections and expand your professional network. Remember, a thoughtful outfit choice not only helps you create a great first impression but also allows you to confidently navigate networking events while respecting local culture and expressing your personality.

Prepare for the Unexpected

1. Versatile Wardrobe Item

  • Carry a lightweight blazer or cardigan.
  • Quickly adapt to changing dress codes or atmospheres.
  • Boost confidence and comfort in diverse settings.

2. Pack Essentials

  • Carry a small umbrella for rain or sun.
  • Bring a portable stain remover pen for spills.
  • Stay polished and focused on networking.

3. Remain Adaptable

  • Be open to change in attire and conversation style.
  • Enhance your networking experience in unfamiliar settings.
  • Maximize opportunities to build meaningful connections.

With these tips, confidently navigate any unexpected situation at networking events and make the most of your connections.

Our Answer to the Question: What to Wear to a Networking Event

As you can see, the question, “What to Wear to a Networking Event?” is not so difficult to answer. Clothing is an important aspect of participating in a networking event and should be taken seriously. If you dress appropriately, you can make a confident first impression and lay the foundation for a successful event.

Of course, the type of networking event plays an important role. Therefore, you need to find out whether it’s formal, informal, or casual.

Next, we recommend you consider the norms of your industry. Different industries have different expectations for clothing at networking events. If you’re unsure, do some research or ask your colleagues what’s appropriate in your industry.

You also shouldn’t be afraid to show your personality and stand out with your choice of outfit. A touch of color, texture, or pattern can help leave an unforgettable impression, but make sure it’s balanced and professional.


Wondering what to wear to a networking event? It’s a common question, and we understand that choosing the right outfit can make a difference in your networking success. In this FAQ section, we will address two primary questions to help you create the best impression.

What do you wear to a happy hour networking event?

Happy hour networking events tend to be more casual than traditional networking events. To strike the right balance between professional and casual, consider wearing business casual attire. This can include:

Blazers (with patch pockets for a more casual look)
Collared shirts (with or without a tie)
Slacks or tailored trousers
Dress shoes or loafers

For women, this might entail a blouse with tailored pants, or a knee-length dress with appropriate accessories. Don’t forget that small touches like a lapel pin can be great conversation starters!

How do you converse at a networking event?

Initiating conversation and maintaining a genuine connection can be challenging during a networking event. Here are some tips for conversing effectively:

1, Prepare a quick introduction: Have a succinct, clear introduction about yourself and your profession that helps break the ice.
2. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage the other person to share more about their experience or interests by asking questions that aren’t a simple “yes” or “no” response.
3. Listen actively: Pay attention to the other person and try to remember key points from the conversation. This will benefit your future interactions.
4. Seek common ground: Discovering shared interests or experiences helps to build a connection and make your conversation more engaging.
5. Follow up: After the event, follow up with the people you’ve met by sending a quick email or connecting on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

What not to do in networking events?

First and foremost, do not underdress or overdress for the event. Networking events can range from casual to formal, so it’s essential to know the dress code beforehand. Wearing inappropriate attire might make us stand out in a negative way and portray us as unprepared or unprofessional. So, always dress accordingly.
Secondly, avoid being a wallflower. Networking events are about making connections, so it’s vital to approach others and engage in conversations. Standing on the sidelines or being too shy to introduce ourselves limits our chances of making new contacts. We need to remember that everyone is there for the same reason, so stepping out of our comfort zone is necessary.

Do not dominate conversations or talk only about yourself. Networking is a two-way street, and listening to others, asking questions, and showing genuine interest in their stories is essential. Doing so can establish a rapport and potentially build strong, long-lasting relationships.

Lastly, it’s important not to oversell ourselves or turn the conversation into a sales pitch. People can often sense when we’re trying too hard, which can come across as disingenuous. Instead, focus on fostering authentic connections and providing value through our expertise or insights.

Now that we’ve covered some of the things not to do at networking events, let’s explore various outfit ideas and tips for making the best impression possible.

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Feel free to also check out our other Articles about Outifts from the category “Event Outfits“ and don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest.

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Martin Lange
Articles: 915